The Word of The Lord Came Unto Me
Excerpt from Chapter 2
of The Day Of The Lord Is At Hand

The LORD declares in His word that He will do nothing without first revealing the matter to His servants the prophets. GOD always reveals what He is about to do, through those individuals who can hear His voice. He calls them His servants, the prophets. “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. The lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy?”

The LORD always raises up prophets from among the people to bring the final warning before the sword of judgment falls in the land. The prophets of GOD were ordinary men, whom the LORD called from among the common people. The LORD does not call great men, nor does He call the wealthy, or those who are wise in their own eyes. The LORD says He looks unto the humble and those with a broken and contrite heart. The appointment of a prophet is of the LORD alone. Many men have appointed themselves leaders in the Church, but no man can appoint himself a prophet before GOD. The modern Church tends to revere the prophets of old, yet they were simple men whom the LORD called and gifted with an ear to hear His voice. Their ministry was to simply tell the people, those things, which GOD had said.


Amos was such a prophet; he speaks of his calling by the LORD saying “I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was a herdsman, and a gatherer of sycamore fruit.” Amos was a simple farm worker. Would we listen today if the LORD called a migrant farm worker as a prophet? What if the man He called was a tax collector? Many within the modern Church believe the LORD no longer calls prophets to declare his word to the people. They assume this must be true because they themselves have never heard the voice of the LORD. How foolish of these men! This is not true, and it is not what the Scriptures teach. They have created this doctrine from their experience. Truly the Scripture declares they “have walked after the imagination of their own heart.” Paul writing to the Ephesians teaches the five-fold ministry of the church includes “he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.” The Church doesn’t believe the LORD has forsaken the ministry of the pastor or teachers? Why then would the LORD forsake the ministry of His prophets?

In many of today’s churches the pastor has been exalted to the position of authority and teacher, while the other offices are missing. This is not the Biblical model. In this last hour, the LORD is restoring the five-fold ministry to the true Church. Prophecy has not ended with the writings of the New Testament, and the LORD still speaks to His people. The modern Church has been deceived in so many ways. There are two prophets coming at the time of the end. These are the two witnesses, who shall prophesy against the nations for 1,260 days, and then they will be martyred. The ministry of prophecy obviously continues to the very end of the age. Remember Daniel prophesied that men with wisdom who understood these things would come and give insight to the many. In order to understand these mysteries, you must hear from GOD.

And when the LORD speaks to you, who can but prophesy? I have been able to hear the voice of the LORD from my youth. I was surprised to learn recently that the majority of Christians have never heard His voice. From my earliest experience as a believer, hearing the voice of the LORD was a normal part of my walk of faith. I will share with you three instances, not to lift myself up, but to confirm to you, dear reader, I am a man who hears from GOD. These words also contain a prophetic message for you as well.


In 1977, the LORD spoke to me one morning saying, “I want you to go to the World Evangelism conference in San Diego. Do not seek directions, for I will lead you as you drive your car.” I obeyed the LORD and when the day came, I began to drive to San Diego. I said to the LORD “I am on the freeway now, and all I know is to drive to San Diego and you promised to direct me. LORD please don’t let me get lost.” The LORD answered immediately, but He didn’t mention the directions: “I have cancelled your hotel reservation...” Then He paused and I said nothing. The LORD continued “and they have given your room away...” Again He paused as if waiting for me to respond but I would not answer. “And the hotel is full.” That was all. My reservation cancelled my room gone, and the hotel full. I didn’t know what to say, so I looked up to heaven and thought, “What do you want me to do, sleep in my car?” He spoke again. “When you get to the hotel, don’t get upset, just sit in the lobby and wait for me. I will get you a room. I only wanted to move you.” When I got to the hotel, the manager and the desk clerk were very upset. I had a confirmed reservation, and they had a full hotel! I told them “Don’t worry, I am sure you will find me a room, I’ll just sit in the lobby and wait.”


The events of that weekend could fill an entire book. The LORD poured His anointing out with power I had never seen before in my life, and spoke many times with an audible voice. After the conference, I began to drive home with another believer who had been my roommate. His name was Kevin, and I was taking him to a hotel in Anaheim. As we were driving up the freeway, people in other cars began to honk, and roll down their windows. They were weeping and shouting at us. I looked at Kevin and we were both puzzled by this. We didn’t know what was going on. I rolled down my window and they began to yell, “Who are you? Who are you?” At that point, we knew the anointing had come upon them. We didn’t answer them. The LORD then began to speak audibly to both of us. “I want you to pray that I remove My anointing from you, for I am sending you back to My church, and they can not receive you in My presence.” As we continued driving, the LORD began to speak again to both of us in an audible voice. “When you get to the hotel in Anaheim, a man who I have been chasing for many years will crash into your car in the parking lot. Get out of the car and speak to him the words that I give you. And don’t worry about the car. It will just be a little ding. And besides, it’s My car.” I responded “LORD, I thought I had the pink slip on this car?” “Everything in the earth is mine, including your car.” I turned to Kevin and said, “Lets try to see this accident happen. We have to watch when we get to the hotel. This will be fun.” When we arrived at the hotel, we didn’t see a thing. We only felt and heard a big bang! I got out of the car and pointed my finger at the man and said, “I don’t know who you are, but the LORD told us we would meet you this way. The LORD says to you, if you don’t return to Him and repent of your sin, He is going to kill you. This is your last warning!” He was visibly shaken by my words. I then got into my car and drove off. I never even asked the man his name.

The next incident occurred in 1979 in the land of Israel. I had been asking the LORD for permission to go the Holy Land for years. I would pray often “LORD, I want to go to Israel, can I go?” It was always the same answer, “No, not yet.” Then one day, while I was praying and asking Him again, I was surprised when He said, “You can go Friday.”


I had the most incredible trip to the land. The LORD even provided me a personal tour guide for the entire two weeks. At the end of my trip, I was returning to Jerusalem from a kibbutz outside Tel Aviv. I had to make a bus transfer in a small city. I got out my map, and found the city next to the major freeway from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. I thought, “this will be easy to find.” The bus passed under the freeway and stopped in the town square and I got off. Sabbath was about to begin, and the city square was deserted. As I stood there, I heard someone behind me: “Binyamin, you are in the wrong place, get back on the bus.” I couldn’t imagine who would know my name here, so I turned around to see who was speaking to me, and there was no one there! Again, I heard Him: “Binyamin, you are in the wrong place, get back on the bus.” At this point, I knew it was the LORD, but rather than getting on the bus, I got out my map. I then held up the map to the sky so the LORD could read it! I told Him, “LORD I have to go to Jerusalem to get my things, remember, and I checked this map, and look LORD.” He didn’t even mention the map, but now He spoke with a loud voice: “I created this entire country! I know where you are and you are in the wrong place! Get back on the bus. It is leaving. I don’t want to have to argue with you again.”


At this point the LORD was literally yelling at me. And what did I do? I thought to myself, “I know the LORD wants me on this bus, so I better get on it. But if this is a mistake, He won’t hear the end of it, until He gets me out this mess.” I still trusted my little map. Oh how foolish I was to doubt the LORD. I got onto the bus and turned to a woman who was seated next to me, and I asked her “Is this Petrovia?” No, she said it’s the next town. I still had the map in my hand, so I showed it to her and asked, “What’s wrong with this map?” “Oh, that’s the tourist map. They made a typo, and reversed the cities.” She knew of this error! And GOD had to yell at me to get me to obey him. I began to repent, asking the LORD “please forgive me, I will never doubt you again LORD.” I was very embarrassed and I began to wonder why GOD had said “again” . How many times had I argued with the LORD, and not realized it! He began to speak, “You are in my perfect will right now, and I have sent you to the woman you just spoke with to bring to her and her family my truth.”

Yaffa and I began to talk, and she invited me to spend the evening with her family and to stay the night at her home. I arrived around 10 PM. The entire family was waiting to have dinner with me. Her father began weeping as He thanked GOD for the honor of having an American in his home. All of us were weeping as I told him “The honor is mine, for the GOD of Israel is truly the King of the Universe, and I am only His humble servant. I am the one who is honored to be here in His land and with you His people.” At that point, Yaffa’s brother came in the room. She told me he was the only survivor from his division in the Sinai tank battle of the Yom Kippur war. His tank had also been hit, and all of the other crew members were killed by the armor piercing round, but it did not touch him. The titanium round also detonated the tank’s ammunition, and the crew was completely burned in the ensuing flames, but the fire did not even kindle upon his body. He walked out of that battle the only survivor of Israel. Now I had the honor to share with him and his family, the truth about Yeshua the Messiah. Lest you are tempted to think I am a great man of GOD, remember He uses foolish things to confound those wise in their own eyes.

These stories are all true. Events such as these one never forgets. I still look back with amazement at the things the LORD did in my life. These words GOD spoke were also meant for you dear reader: The LORD is about to cancel your reservations and all of the plans you have made in this land. Don’t get upset. He is preparing another place for you. He just wants to move you. The LORD is going to create a huge crash in this country. He wants to speak to the people of America who haven’t been listening to Him. For the apostates, this is your final warning! And it won’t be a little ding this time. He is going to destroy this nation by the time He is through. To His remnant the LORD says, “You are in the wrong place. You have been following the map you have made for your life, but your map is wrong! You must get on the bus that is coming. You must find GOD’s plan for your life. Everything is about to change. You will not recognize this nation in the near future.”

Prophets Still Speak
Excerpt from Chapter 3 of The Day Of The Lord Is At Hand

The Church is in desperate need of the true prophetic voice of GOD to be brought forth in this last hour. The prophets of GOD are the eyes in the body of Christ. They are the seers who announce to the people the warnings of the LORD. The true prophets have always had the spiritual discernment to understand their times. It was the function of the prophet to admonish, to warn, to reprove and to denounce existing sin. The prophets are also called as Watchmen. They are set upon the walls of Zion to blow the trumpet and to warn of coming danger. The true prophets receive their prophetic office directly from the LORD.

The life of a prophet is of hardship and suffering, loneliness and rejection. The true word of GOD has always been hard to bear, and the true messengers of the LORD have always been rejected by the people. “And the LORD, the GOD of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place; but they continually mocked the messengers of GOD, despised His words and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, until there was no remedy.” The message of the true prophets will cause men to shun their company, and to speak all manner of evil against them. They are cast out by friends and family, and rejected by the nation at large, but the LORD JESUS CHRIST is faithful to send His warnings to the people time and time again.

GOD has chosen a very hard path for the vessel to be used as His mouthpiece. The life of the messenger with the genuine prophetic call is not immune to the valleys of depression. This is all part of the package. He lives a life that is lonely. The revelation of Christ can only come in the solitary place away from the crowds and noise of the vendors and their religious wares. The prophets are burdened vessels, for they see the vision and the lateness of the hour. They know the night is far spent and the day is at hand. The prophet’s character is very likely to be one of shifting moods, unpredictable at times and not likely to be found mingling with the religious. He is serious, sober and not easily persuaded to compromise. His lot is most likely found hidden away on the backside of the desert alone with GOD. He is the one with a heart for justice, righteousness, honor and integrity. His words may come across as harsh and cruel, but to the one with spiritual perception, his words are received to awaken to righteousness. The higher the calling into His purposes, the hotter the fires required to purify the servant. The greater the responsibility, the greater and more intense the fires to perfect. This is the cost of prophetic ministry.

The highest prophetic office is held by those who can hear the LORD’S voice directly, and who have been chosen to speak to the LORD face to face. "Hear now My words: if there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream. Not so with My servant Moses; he is faithful in all My house. I speak with him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings; and he sees the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moses?" When a man or woman of GOD speaks the true word of the LORD; their ministry and message will always produce hatred and scorn in the minds of their listeners. “Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation.”

The prophets of GOD are not trained in the religious schools of man, nor are they raised up from among the leadership of the organized Church. None of the prophets of Israel came from the priesthood. They were all called and prepared by GOD alone. The appearance of Elijah is such an example. “And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD GOD of Israel liveth, before whom I stand.” Elijah’s only qualification was that he stood before the LORD GOD of Israel. Nothing more was said of him. He was an ordinary man who knew his GOD. John the Baptist was of similar origins, trained on the backside of the desert wilderness. “And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his showing unto Israel.” John had no university or seminary training. He just appeared as the forerunner of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. GOD’S ways are not man’s ways. He still uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Many people have rebuked me for speaking the word of the LORD saying, “By what authority do you speak these words?” My answer:

“By the authority of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, The GOD of Israel.”

Benjamin Baruch