In Greek mythology, Aesculapius, son of Apollo, (often referred to as the god of
medicine or healing)
was a Greek healer who became a Greek demigod, and was a famous physician.
His mother, the nymph Coronis, a princess of Thessaly,
died when he was an infant.
Aesculapius was the most important among the Greek gods and heroes who were
associated with health and curing disease.
Apollo is said to have entrusted the child's education to the Centaur, Chiron. who taught Aesculapius the arts of healing.
Aesculapius, when grown, became
so skilled in surgery and the use of medicinal plants that he could even restore
the dead to life.
Hades, ruler of the dead, became alarmed at this and complained to Zeus, who,
fearing that he might render all men immortal, killed
Asclepius with a thunderbolt.
Among the children of Aesculapius the best known are his daughters Hygeia
and Panacea.
or Aesculapius as he was known to the Romans, was revered as a divinely inspired
Shrines and temples of healing known as Asclepieia were erected throughout
Greece where the sick would come to worship and seek cures for their ills.
Harmless serpents were kept in these temples of healing, lovingly tended by
Asclepiu's daughter Hygeia, the personification of health.
Snakes were held sacred by Asclepius and he himself was thought to sometimes
appear in the form of a snake.
Patients who saw snakes in their dreams believed that the god of healing himself
had come to their aid.
The ancient
symbol of Asclepius is a knotted wooden staff around which a mystical snake
is coiled.
The staff of Aesculapius with a coiled serpent became the traditional symbol
of medicine.
Today it represents the modern medical profession, and is a symbol of health and
In Genesis, Moses held up a serpent on a staff as an example of Christ, to heal
the Jews.